Sunday, May 22, 2011

2m, 3m, 4m Activity - Pancakes Recipe - Week of May, 23rd

"Some nice food for some nice breakfast"

-Ask the students what they usually eat for breakfast.
Make a list on the board.
-Ask what kitchen utensiles are usually needed for cooking.
-Introduce new vocabulary on cooking:
-Verbs: to cook, to bake, to heat up, to add, to pour, to beat, to stir, .....
-Utensiles: a mixing pan, a griddle/frying pan, a wisk, a spatula, a plate, a cup, a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a glass,....
-Ingredients: oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, vamilla, cinamon, pepper, sausages, bacon, eggs, meat, fish, vegetables (zucchinis, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic, ....) fruits (oranges, lemon, apples, banana), pizza croust, batter/dough, .....
-Ask students if they know what pancakes are and how one can make them (what are the ingredients?)
-Write down the prediction list on the board
-Have the students watch the video of the recipe for  homemade pancakes:

-Resume what is needed for cooking pancakes/Reconstruct cooking instructions, quantities and ingredients needed.


For a fast, easy PANCAKE recipe which ingredients can always be found in the kitchen!

-Frying pan greased with butter or some non-sticking spray
-A mixing bowl
-A wisk

-Beat one 1 egg into fluffy
-Add 3/4 cup of milk
-2 tablespoons of melted margarine
-1 teaspoon of vanilla
-1cup of flour
-1tablespoon of sugar
-3 teaspoon of baking powder
-Half a teaspoon of salt

-Mix until well-combined

The frying pan or gridle is hot enough when a drop of water  breaks on it, denses and then evaporates

-Pour on some dough/batter to make the size of pancake you like.
-When bubbles appear on the top and break, then it's time to flip it and to cook the other side
until it's golden brown.

And here they are: light and fluffy homemade pancakes!
These are also good with chocolate chips and/or fruits added to the dough/batter.

-Have students work in pairs and write down the ingredients and what is needed to make their favorite dish.
-Have them explain it to the class:

Ex: To make an avocado sandwich, pizza, omelette, salade nicoise, hot dog,.... we need:
Instructions (using the new verbs seen at the imperative) :
-Heat up .....
-Cut/Chop .........

Students' recipes from 2medio:
By Javiera Valladares and Tamara Vargas (2medio A):

I. To make Chacarero:
1) Ingredients:
-1/2 kilo of green beans
-1/4 kilo of meat
-2 tomatoes
-1 teaspoon of mayonnaise
-1 teaspoon of salt
-1/2 kilo of bread
-1/2 kilo of avocado

2) Utensiles
-A teaspoon
-a pan
-a knife

3) Instructions
-Peel the tomatoes
-Open the bread in two
-Fry the meat and add it to the bread
-Peel and smash the avocado and add salt on it
-Add the avocado and tomatoes on the bread
-Cook the green beans and add them onto the bread
-Add some mayonnaise

Bon apetit!

II. To make Americano (Ignacio, 2medio A):

1) Ingredients:

-A pan

3) Instructions:
-Pour the oil onto the pan
-Fry the bread and add salt
-Fry the egg and add salt
-Put into the bread: the fried egg, the meat, the cheese and the jam.
-Heat up the sandwhich

If you want, you can melt the cheese a bit before!
Bon apetit!

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